Art History Research: Identifying Online Resources: eBooks

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Searching for Books in CLIO


Searching for electronic books in CLIO

CLIO is the online catalog for the Columbia, Barnard and Union Theological Seminary libraries. (Read more about CLIO here). Doing a Quicksearch across all of CLIO will search:

  • Catalog
    Books, journals, U.S. government information, online resources, videos, and more
  • Articles+
    Journal articles, e-books, dissertations, and more
  • Academic Commons
    Digital repository of Columbia research
  • Libraries Website
    Information about the libraries from the Libraries Website
  • GeoData
    Columbia's catalog of geospatial data sets

CLIO record for book titled Clementine Hunter: Her life and art, showing subject heading section circled in red.

Narrowing your search to ebooks
From your search results in CLIO, use the links on the left in the Format menu to narrow to Online sources.
Format menu in CLIO with "Online" circled in red
Ebooks in your search results will have the ebook icon as shown below.
CLIO search result showing ebook icon
Once inside the CLIO record, use the link on the right hand side of the page to access the book.
CLIO record showing access link for ebook

Other eBook Resources

The Guggenheim Museum has made many ebooks available for free through the Internet Archive.

"MetPublications is a portal to The Met's comprehensive publishing program with over 1,500 titles, including books, online publications, and Bulletins and Journals from the last five decades... MetPublications includes a description and table of contents for most titles, as well as information about the authors, reviews, awards, and links to related Met titles by author and by theme. Current book titles that are in-print may be previewed and fully searched online, with a link to purchase the book. The full contents of almost all other book titles may be read online, searched, or downloaded as a PDF. Many of these out-of-print books will be available for purchase, when rights permit, through print-on-demand capabilities in association with Yale University Press. For the Met's Bulletin, all but the most recent issue can be downloaded as a PDF. For the Met's Journal, all individual articles and entire volumes can be downloaded as a PDF."

Search tip: If you are researching a Met object, try finding the accession number in the Met's Collection database, and use the accession number to do a keyword search in MetPublications.

Torrossa: Casalini full text platform
Online resource offering full text access to Italian and Spanish books, conference proceedings, and journals by major Italian and Spanish publishers. Torrossa includes material previously available through Editoria Italiana online.

Recommending an ebook for purchase

If no ebook or temporary electronic access is available through Columbia Libraries, you may recommend an ebook for purchase using the form here. When filling out the form, please specify ebook in the format section.
