GIS and Spatial Data: United States

Feb 4, 2025: At the moment, many government data sources are offline or otherwise unavailable. If one of the links below is unresponsive, please email us (, and we may be able to provide guidance for finding an alternative.

US Spatial Data Resources

Census Boundaries:

BSI National ParcelMap Portal (From Geodata): Tax lot data and geographies for most US counties. open government data clearinghouse, primarily for federal agencies.  A disparate collection of government data, much of which is in geographic and GIS-ready formats. 

Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data: National foundation-level geospatial data that can be useful to support community preparedness, resiliency, research, and more. 

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD): Criminal justice statistics at various geographic levels. 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) websites

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): Data resources for a variety of renewable energy technologies. 

ProQuest Sanborn Maps Geo Edition (UNI access): digital access to thousands of large-scale fire insurance maps of US cities, searchable by address and GPS coordinates. 

Data Axle (UNI Access): Comprehensive US business directory and database. Very rich attribute data includes coordinates. Access available for historical directory with annual snapshots back to 2003. 

US Bureau of Transportation Statistics: Portal for GIS and mapping data and projects including the National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD), National Transit Map, and National Transit Noise Map.

U.S. Energy Information AdministrationBroad array of energy related datasets. 

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Geospatial Data Download Service: Information on EPA facilities or sites subject to environmental regulation. 

US Fish and Wildlife Service Geospatial Data Services

US Geological Survey (USGS)

  • National Map Viewer: Broad array of USGS geospatial data including high-resolution DEMs, Land cover classifications and georeferenced topographical maps. 
  • USGS Map Locator: Access to all scanned and georeferenced editions of USGS topographical maps, current and historical.

US National Park Service GIS Data