Earth and Environmental Sciences Research Guide: Data

Research Guide for Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Geosciences data sources & sets

Climate Data:

GIS/GeoSpatial Data:

Geological Data:

General/Other Data:

  • Aquastat: Useful for water resource information for world and operated under United Nations.
  • Forestry Inventory and Analysis National Program (USFS): Forest Inventory & Analysis data and tools.
  • ForesSTAT (UN FAO):Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN- statistics and data
  • LANDFIRE (USGS): is a program that provides over 20 national geo-spatial layers (e.g. vegetation, fuel, disturbance, etc.), databases, and ecological models that are available to the public for the US and insular areas.
  • New York City Data: Links to NYC geospatial and numerical data.
  • Public Land Statistics (BLM): Public Land Statistics published by the Bureau of Land Management.
  • Tide Predictor: WWW Tide Predictor presents worldwide (strongest coverage for US & Canada) tide predictions in tabular or graphical format adjusted for daylight savings time or UTC starting from the current or a specified date up to one week ahead. Start days for the years 1995-2025.
  • Urban Forest Data (USDA/USFS): Links to various data sets and reports for urban forest data in the United States at the state level, county level, county subdivision level and local community or place level.
  • U.S. Government Open Data: Any number of dataset topics can be accessed. Geospatial, science & research, weather, climate, and ocean datasets may be of use.
  • USDA: United States Department of Agriculture data products/sets
  • Wood Hole Research Center Datasets

Research Data Managment

Data Citations

Cite data to give the data producer proper credit and to enable readers of your work to access the data, for their own use, or to replicate your results. Whether citing data, or expecting others to cite your data make sure that the following elements are provided:

  • Creators
  • Date: year of publication rather than collection or coverage
  • Title
  • Version or edition
  • Publisher, data center or repository
  • Identifier and/or permanent URL


  • DataCite: how to cite data.
  • Data Citation Index: An index for research data, including data studies and data sets, and links them to the scientific literature to track data citation

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