New York City Atlases & Land Books: All Boroughs (Chronological)

Atlases and land books, published by Perris, Bromley, Robinson, Beers, Sanborn, and others, are invaluable for tracing information on neighborhood development and on the history of a particular site. Most of these are fire insurance maps and were originally created to help insure particular properties against fire. They were published every few years and show what was standing at a particular time. Details can include the footprint and construction materials of residences, industrial sites, and commercial buildings; property boundaries including old farm lines; building use; house and block numbers; and names and widths of streets.

Several of these atlases and land book publishers offered a correction service which kept the books up to date with the hundreds of changes that took place every year. The service made necessary changes in buildings, lots, zoning, etc. as officially recorded by New York City. Atlases and land books in this guide that have been corrected are marked with an * and are listed under their updated year, with the original publication date noted.

Only atlases and land books from Avery Library and NYPL Digital Collections (New York Public Library) are included.

After connecting to items in the NYPL Digital Collections please scroll down to the middle of the page to the "View as Book" link to see the entire atlas or land book.

Items in Avery Classics are by appointment only. See the Avery Classics Collection webpage to request an appointment.



Bridges. This map of the city of New York and island of Manhattan, as laid out by the commissioners appointed by the legislature, April 3d, 1807 is respectfully dedicated to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty thereof.
Avery Classics AA735 N4Q3 B76 FFF


Sackersdorff. Map of farms, commonly called the Blue book, 1815.
Drawn from the original on file in the Street Commissioner's office in the city of New York, together with lines of streets and avenues, laid out by John Randel, Jr. 1819-1820 [1868]. 
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa12 FF

Sackersdorff. Map of farms, commonly called the Blue book, 1815.
Drawn from the original on file in the Street Commissioner's office in the city of New York, together with lines of streets and avenues, laid out by John Randel, Jr. 1819-1820 [1868]. 
NYPL Digital Collections


Perris. Maps of the city of New York. (6v.)
Contents: v.1 Wards 1st-4th (1852)--v.2 Wards 7th, 10th & 13th (1856)--v.3 Wards 5th, 6th, 8th & 14th (1853)--v.4 Wards 11th, 17th and part of 18th (1853)--v.5 Wards 9th, 15th and part of 16th (1854)--v.6 Wards 18th & 21st (1854)
Avery AA735 N4 P4211 FFF
Avery Classics AA735 N4 P42 FF

Perris. Maps of the city of New York. (7v.)
Contents: v.1 Wards 1st-4th (1852)--v.2 Wards 7th, 10th & 13th (1852)--v.3 Wards 5th, 6th, 8th & 14th (1853)--v.4 Wards 11th, 17th and part of 18th (1853)--v.5 Wards 9th, 15th and part of 16th (1854)--v.6 Wards 18th & 21st--v.7 19th & 20th Wards (1854)
NYPL Digital Collections


Maps and Profiles of Ground for New Reservoir Situated Between 86th & 96th Streets and 5th & 7th Avenues.
NYPL Digital Collections


Maps of the Wharves & Piers on the Hudson and East Rivers, from the Battery to 13th St New York.
NYPL Digital Collections

Perris. Maps of the city of Brooklyn.
Contents: v.1 & v.2 
NYPL Digital Collections

Perris. Maps of the City of New York 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Ward.
Contents: v.1
NYPL Digital Collections


Perris. Maps of the city of New York. (7 v.) (3rd. ed)
Contents: v.1 (1857)--v.2 (1857)--v.3 (1859)--v.4 (1859)--v.5 (1859)--v.6 (1859)--v.7 (1862)
NYPL Digital Collections


Maps of the Wharves & Piers from the Battery to 61st Street on the Hudson River and from the Battery to 41st Street on the East River New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Perris. Insurance maps of the warehouses & c., in Brooklyn from the Navy yard to Partition Street.
NYPL Digital Collections


Dripps. Plan of New York City from the Battery to Spuyten Creek.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 D831 FFF 

Dripps. Plan of New York City from the Battery to Spuyten Creek.
NYPL Digital Collections

Beers. Atlas of New York and vicinity.
Avery Classics AA730 N48 B393 F


Beers. Atlas of New York and vicinity.
NYPL Digital Collections

Dripps.  Plan of New York City from the Battery to Spuyten Creek
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 D83 FFF

Higginson. Higginson's insurance map of the city of Brooklyn.
Contents: v.4
NYPL Digital Collections

Perris & Browne. Insurance maps of the City of New York.
Contents: v.2
NYPL Digital Collections

Sackersdorff. Map of the City of New York part 1: showing the streets, avenues, roads, public squares & places.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa1 FF


Dripps. Map of the city of Brooklyn; being the former cities of Brooklyn & Williamsburgh and the town of Bushwick.
NYPL Digital Collections


Atlas of Long Island, New York.
NYPL Digital Collections

Beers. Astoria: part of Long Island City, town of Newtown, Queens Co., L.I.
Avery Classics AA735 N4Q3 B38 FF
Digital copy


Beers. Atlas of Staten Island, Richmond County, New York.
Avery Classics AA735 N4St2 B391 F 

Beers. Atlas of Staten Island, Richmond County, New York.
NYPL Digital Collections

Beers. Farm line map of the city of Brooklyn.
Avery Classics: AA735 N4B7 F95 FF

Beers. Farm line map of the city of Brookyn
NYPL Digital Collections

Viele. Topographical atlas of the city of New York.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 V673 FF

Viele. Topographical atlas of the city of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Cornell. Property atlas of the City of Yonkers, N.Y.: including a portion of the twenty fourth ward of New York City.
Avery Classics AA735 Y8 C815


Bromley. Atlas of the entire city of New York.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 B78 1879 F

Croes & Van Winkle. West side of the city of New York: between Eighth Avenue and Hudson River from Fifty-Ninth Street to One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth Street.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 W515 FF

Dripps. Map of Kings County, New York: based on the recent official survey showing new arrangement of boulevards, streets, railroads, etc.
Avery Classics AA735 N4B7 D83


Bromley. Atlas of the 19th & 22nd wards, city of New York.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 B773 FF

Bromley. Atlas of the entire city of Brooklyn, complete in one volume.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 B7831 F

Bromley. Atlas of the entire city of Brooklyn, complete in one volume.
NYPL Digital Collections

Hopkins. Detailed estate and old farm line atlas of the city of Brooklyn. (6v.)
Contents: v.1 Wards 23,24 & 25--v.2 Ward 18--v.4 Wards 8 & 22--v.6 Wards 13,14,15,16,17 & 19
NYPL Digital Collections

Pidgeon. Atlas of the 16th, 18th, 20th & 21st Wards, city of New York.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 P543 FF


Speilmann & Brush. Certified copies of original maps of property in New York City.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 Sp4 FF


Bromley. Atlas of the 24th ward, city of New York.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 B975 FF 


Robinson. Robinson’s atlas of the City of New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 R561 FF
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 R561 FF

Robinson & Pidgeon. Atlas of the city of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Proquest Sanborn Maps Geo Edition.
For New York City five categories are available:

Brooklyn [Kings Co.]
Contents: 1886-1888; 1893-1895; 1901; 1904-1908; 1905; 1909; 1915-1933; 1915-1951; 1915-Apr.1951; New and additional sheets.

New York City : Special Atlases. These are unique maps.
Contents: 1903 Street cleaning, Bronx; 1913 Dry goods district, Manhattan; 1919-1921 Warehouse map, Hoboken, Manhattan, Bronx; 1922 Pier map of New York harbor; 1928 Pier map of New York Harbor

New York City [Bronx] [Kings (Brooklyn)] [Queens] [Richmond (Staten Island)].
This includes Manhattan, even though it is not listed.
Contents: 1890-1902; 1903-1919; 1908-1947; 1908-1952; New and additional sheets.

Queens County:
Contents: 1898-1903; 1911-1917; 1925-1943; 1925-1934; 1947-1949; 1914-May 1951

Richmond Borough of New York City (Staten Island):
Contents: July 1885; 1898; 1910; 1917; 1937-1938; 1937-June 1951; New and additional sheets.


Robinson. Robinson’s atlas of the City of Brooklyn, New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 R56 FF

Robinson. Robinson's atlas of the City of Brooklyn, New York.
NYPL Digital Collections

Beers. Atlas of Staten Island, Richmond Co.
Avery Classics AA735 N4St2 B39 F

Robinson & Pidgeon. Atlas of the city of New York: volume 5, embracing the 23rd ward.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 R55 FF

Robinson & Pidgeon. Atlas of the city of New York. (6v.) (2nd.ed.)
Contents: v.5 23rd Ward (1887)
NYPL Digital Collections


Robinson. Certified copies of important maps appearing to the 23rd and 24th wards, city of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Robinson. Robinson's real estate atlas of the City of New York, embracing Manhattan Island.
Contents: v.6 Part of 12th Ward, between 86th and 114th Streets (1889)--v.7 Part of 12th Ward, between 114th and 138th Streets (1890)
NYPL Digital Collections


Robinson. Robinson's atlas of King's County, New York. [Brooklyn]
NYPL Digital Collections


Robinson. Atlas of the City of New York. 3rd ed. (4 v.)
Contents: v.1 Wards 19th and 22nd --v.2 Ward 12th--v.3 Wards 16th, 18th and 21st--v.4 South of 14th Street
Avery AA735 N4 R56 FF


Beers. Map showing improved pavements in the City of Brooklyn in 1891.
Avery Classics AA735 N4B7 J33 FFF

Bien. Atlas of the Metropolitan District and adjacent country comprising the counties of New York, Kings, Richmond, Westchester and part of Queens in the State of New York, the county of Hudson and parts of the counties of Bergen, Passaic, Essex and Union in the State of New Jersey.
Avery AA9127 N4 B48 FF

Bien. Atlas of the Metropolitan District and adjacent country comprising the counties of New York, Kings, Richmond, Westchester and part of Queens in the State of New York, the county of Hudson and parts of the counties of Bergen, Passaic, Essex and Union in the State of New Jersey.
NYPL Digital Collections

Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York, Manhattan Island.
Avery AA9127 N4 B78 1891 FF

Wolverton. Atlas of Queens Co., Long Island, New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Maps or plans and profiles, with field notes and explanatory remarks, showing the location, width, grades...of the 23rd and 24th wards of the city of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the City of Brooklyn, New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 B783 FF

Robinson. Atlas of city of New York.
Contents: v.4 South of 14th Street
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, Manhattan Island.
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York… Manhattan. (4v.)
Contents: v.1 Battery to 14th St. (1899)--v.2 14th St. to 59th St. (1899)--v.3 59th St. to 110th St. (1898)
NYPL Digital Collections

Ullitz. Atlas of the Brooklyn Borough of the City of New York.
Contents: v. 1. first 28 Wards
Avery Classics AA735 N4 B7 At1

Ullitz. Atlas of the Brooklyn borough of the City of New York.
Contents: v.1 first 28 Wards--v.2 Flatbush and New Utrect, 29th & 30th Wards--v.3 Gravesend and Flatlands, 31st & 32nd Wards
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan. (4v.)
Contents: v.1 Battery to 14th St.--v.2 14th St. to 59th St.--v.3 59th St. to 110th St.--v.4 110th St to 145th St.
Avery AA9127 N4 B78 1898-99 FF

Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan. (4v.)
Contents: v.1 Battery to 14th St.--v.2 14th St. to 59th St.--v.3 59th St. to 110th St.
NYPL Digital Collections


Hyde. Atlas of the borough of the Bronx, city of New York(4v.)
Contents: v.2
NYPL Digital Collections


Hyde. Atlas of the Borough of Queens. City of New York complete in Three Volumes. (3v.)
Contents: v.1 Fourth and Fifth Wards. Jamaica and Rockaway (1901)--v.2 First and Second Wards. Long Island City and Newtown (1903)--v.3 Third Ward. Flushing (1903)
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas and owners names, borough of the Bronx, sections 9 & 10.
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, borough of the Bronx, annexed district from actual surveys and official plans.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4B8 B782 FF

Bronx. Topographical Bureau. Index to the Topographical survey sheets of the borough of the Bronx easterly of the Bronx River.
NYPL Digital Collections


Hyde. Atlas of the Borough of Queens. City of New York complete in Three Volumes. (3v.)
Contents: v.1 Fourth and Fifth Wards. Jamaica and Rockway
NYPL Digital Collections

Robinson. Atlas of the Borough of Richmond, City of New York. (Staten Island) 
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.
Contents: v.1 (1908)--v.2 (1907)
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York, Borough of Queens, Long Island City, Newtown, Flushing, Jamaica, Far Rockaway, from actual surveys and official plans. 
NYPL Digital Collections


Hyde. Atlas of the Borough on Manhattan, City of New York, complete in one volume.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 H99 FF 


Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, borough of Manhattan.
NYPL Digital Collections

Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, Borough of the Bronx.
Contents: v.2. Sections 11-13
Avery Classics 131064


Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, Borough of the Bronx. (3v.)
Contents: v.1. Sections 9-10 (1911)--v.2. Sections 11-13 (1911)--v.3. Annexed district: Section 14-18 (1913)
NYPL Digital Collections


*Hyde. Atlas of the borough of Brooklyn, city of New York. The first Twenty Eight Wards complete in Four Volumes. Three additional volumes for the Four new wards will complete the entire borough. (7v.)
Contents: v. 1 Wards 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12, & 22 (orig. publi. in 1903)--v.2 Wards 7,11,20,21,23,24, & 25 (orig. publ. in 1904)--v.3 Wards 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,27 & 28 (orig. publ. in 1904)--v.4 Wards 26 and part of 29 & 32 (orig. publ. in 1905)--v.5 Ward 29 and part of 32 (orig. publ. in 1906)--v.6 Ward 30 (orig. publ. in 1905)--v.7 Ward 31 (orig. publ. in 1907)
NYPL Digital Collections

Hyde. Miniature atlas of the borough of the Bronx complete in two volumes.
Contents: Vol. 1. 23rd and 24th Ward  
Avery Classics AA735 N4B8 M66
Digital copy 

Bromley. Atlas of the borough of Manhattan.
Avery AA735 N4 B7833 
Avery Classics 442361
Digital copy

Bromley. Atlas of the Borough of the Bronx.
Contents: Sections 9,10,11,12, & 13
Avery Classics G1254.N4:3B7 G83 1912 
Avery Offsite G1254.N4:3B7 G83 1912 
Digital copy

Hyde. Miniature atlas of the borough of Manhattan: in one volume.
Avery AA735 N4 H993
Avery Classics AA735 N4 H993
Digital copy

Hyde. Miniature atlas of the borough of Manhattan : complete in two volumes.
Contents: v.2 From 72nd Street to Spuyten Duyvil
Avery Classics AA735 N4 H9933
Digital copy


Hyde. Atlas of the Borough of Queens. City of New York complete in Three Volumes. (3v.)
Contetnts: v.2 First and Second Wards. Long Island City and Newtown (orig. publ. in 1908)
NYPL Digital Collections


Ullitz. Atlas of borough of Queens city of New York.
Contents: v.1 Westerly Part of Jamaica Part of Ward 4 (1913)--v.1A Easterly Part of Jamaica Part of Ward 4 (1918)--v.2 Long Island City. First Ward (1913)--v.2A Newtown Ward 2 (1915)
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, borough of Manhattan.
Contents: v.4 110th St. to 145th St.
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan.
NYPL Digital Collections


Hyde. Atlas of the borough of Brooklyn City of New York. Complete in Three Volumes.
Contetnts: v.1 Containing the first 28 Wards (1916)--v.1, second part (1920)--v.2 Flatbush and New Utrecht, (29th & 30th Wards.) (1916)--v.3 Gravesend and Flatlands, (31st & 32nd Wards) (1920)
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of The City of New York, Borough of Richmond Staten Island. (2v.)
Contents: v.1 Wards 1, 2, & 3--v.2 Wards 4 & 5
NYPL Digital Collections

*Sanborn. Insurance maps of the City of New York, Borough of the Bronx.
Contents: v. A (orig. publ. in 1908)--v. B (orig. publ. in 1908)
NYPL Digital Collections


Comstock. Block book of Twenty-Third Ward, New York City. (Bronx)
Avery AA9127 N4B8 L49 FF 
Avery Offsite AA9127 N4B8 L49 FF 



Hyde. Desk atlas, borough of Brooklyn, city of New York. (4v.)
Contents: v.1 Sections 1-7 (1920) -- v.2 Sections 8-14 (1921) -- v.3 Sections 15-19 (1921) -- v.4 Sections 20-25 (1922)
Avery Classics AA735 N4B7 Eb32

Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, borough of Manhattan. (5v.)
Contents: v.2 14th St. to 59th St. (1920)-- v.3 59th St. to 110th St. (1921)
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan, city of New York.
Avery AA735 N4 B78 FF
Avery Classics AA735 N4 B78 FF

Bromley. Atlas of borough of the Bronx.
Contents: Sections 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
Avery AA9127 N4B8 B783 FF
Avery Classics AA9127 N4B8 B783 FF 

Bromley. Atlas of borough of the Bronx.
Contents: Sections 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the city of New York, borough of Manhattan. (5v.)
Contents: v.1 Battery to 14th St.--v.2 14th St. to 59th St.--v.3 59th St. to 110th St.--v.4 110th St. to 145th St.--v.5 145th St. to Spuyten Duyvil
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 B7851 FF

Sanborn. Pier map of New York harbour, including Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island City, Staten Island and New Jersey shore.
Avery Classics AA735 N4 1922 Sa54 FF


*Hyde. Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York: complete in four volumes. (4v.)
Contents: v.3 From 72nd St. to 125th St. (orig. publ. in 1906)
Avery Classics AA735 N4 H9854 FFF

*Bromley. Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. (orig. publ. in 1921)
NYPL Digital Collections


New York (N.Y.). Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Map of the city of New York: Sectional plans of the city of New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 N48595 FF


Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York: Borough of the Bronx. (2v.)
Contents: v.2 North of 172nd St.
Avery Classics AA735 N4B8 G13 FF

Bromley. Land book of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 B782 F
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 B782 F

Bromley. Land book of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Land book of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 B782 1927a F

Bromley. Land book of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Hyde. Desk atlas, borough of Brooklyn, city of New York. (4v.)
Contents: v.1 Sections 1-7--v.2 Sections 8-14--v.3 Sections 15-19-- v.4 Sections 20-25. Shows zoning restrictions and bus lines in operation.
Avery Classics AA735 N4B7 D46


Bromley. Manhattan land book.
Avery AA9127 N4 B782 F

Bromley. Land Book of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


Map of the borough...City of New York: map of Topographical Bureau.
Contents: Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Richmond (Staten Island)
Avery AA9127 N4 M32 FFF


*Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York Manhattan. (orig. publ. in 1913)
Contents: 14th St. to 59th St. Part 1 & 2
Avery Classics 626273 FF


*Hyde. Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York: complete in four volumes. (4v.)
Contents: v.4 From 125th St. to Spuyten Duyvil (orig. publ. in 1906)
Avery Classics AA735 N4 H9854 FFF

New York (N.Y.). Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Map of New York City.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 N4861 FF

*New York (N.Y.). Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Map of New York City. (orig. publ. in 1924)
Avery AA9127 N4 N486 FF


Bromley. Manhattan land book. (with some corrections)
Avery AA9127 N4 B782 1934 F
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 B782 1934 F
Avery Offsite AA9127 N4 B782 1934 F


*Hyde. Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York: complete in four volumes. (4v.)
Contents: v. 1 From Battery to 23rd St. (orig. publ. in 1907)--v.2 From 23rd St. to 72nd St (orig. publ. in 1906)
Avery Classics AA735 N4 H9854 FFF

*Hyde. Atlas of the Borough of the Bronx, City of New York. (5v.)
Contents: v. 1. The 23rd Ward (orig. publ. in 1907)--v. 2. Lower part of the 24th Ward (orig. publ. in 1901)
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Eb32 FFF


*Sanborn. Borough of Richmond Insurance maps Staten Island, New York.
Contents: v. 1 (orig. publ. in 1917)
NYPL Digital Collections


Bromley. Atlas of the City of New York: Borough of the Bronx. (2v.)
Contents: v.2 North of 172nd St.
Avery Classics AA735 N4B8 G131 FF


*Sanborn. Atlas of the City of New York…Manhattan. (orig. publ. in 1930)
Contents: v.3 59th St. to 110th St.
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa54 FF


*Sanborn. Insurance maps of the city of New York.
Contents: Manhattan v.8 North (orig. publ. in 1911)
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa58 FFF


Bromley. Manhattan Land Book of the City of New York.
NYPL Digital Collections


*Sanborn. Insurance maps of the city of New York.
Contents: Manhattan v.6 East (orig. publ. in 1911)
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa58 FFF


*Bromley. Manhattan land book. (orig. publ. in 1955)
Avery Classics  AA9127 N4 B782 1955 F


*Bromley. Manhattan land book. (orig. publ. in 1955)
Avery AA9127 N4 B782 1955 F


New York (N.Y.). City Planning Commission. Sectional map of the City of New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 N488711 FFF


*Sanborn. Insurance maps of the city of New York.
Contents: Manhattan v.7 North (orig. publ. in 1912)
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa58 FFF

Sanborn. Land use 1964-65 [map of the City of New York].
Avery AA9127 N4L1 Sa5 FFF


*Sanborn. Insurance maps of the city of New York.
Contents: Manhattan v.5 South (orig. publ. in 1930)
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa58 FFF


*Bromley. Manhattan land book of the City of New York. (orig. publ. in 1970)
Avery Classics AA735 N4 B782 1970 F


*Bromley. Bronx land book. (2v.) (v.1 orig. publ. in 1965, v.2 orig. publ. in 1963)
Avery AA9127 N4 B7821 FF


*Sanborn. Atlas of the City of New York…Manhattan.
Contents: v.1 Battery to 14th St. (orig. publ. in 1959)--v.2 14th St. to 59th St. (orig. publ. in 1957)--v.4 110th St. to 145th St. (orig. publ. in 1932)
Avery Classics AA9127 N4 Sa54 FF


Sanborn. Manhattan land book of the City of New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 Sa535 FF


Sanborn. Sanborn CitySets.
Digitized Sanborn maps for New York City (south of 60th Street) and some of downtown Brooklyn. Layers of data include building footprints (with heights and data), streets and bridges, orthophotos, and TIN elevation (for 3D mapping)
Lehman Library Data Service CD-ROM G1251.A15 S26 2005g


Sanborn. Sanborn building & property atlas of Brooklyn.
Avery AA9127 N4B7 Sa532 F


Sanborn. Sanborn landbook, the Bronx, New York.
Avery AA9127 N4B8 Sa55 FF


Sanborn. Sanborn building & property atlas of Brooklyn.
Avery AA9127 N4B7 Sa532 F


Sanborn. Sanborn building & property atlas of Brooklyn.
Avery AA9127 N4B7 Sa532 F


Sanborn. Sanborn landbook, the Bronx, New York.
Avery AA9127 N4B7 Sa55 FF


Sanborn. Manhattan land book of the City of New York.
Avery AA9127 N4 Sa535 FF

Sanborn. Sanborn building & property atlas of Brooklyn.
Avery Reserves AA9127 N4B7 Sa532 F


Sanborn. Manhattan land book of the City of New York.
Avery Reserves AA9127 N4 Sa535 FF


Sanborn. Sanborn landbook, the Bronx, New York.
Avery Reserves AA9127 N4B7 Sa55 FF