This guide published by Columbia University Libraries is designed to support research by scholars in New York City based at The City University of New York, Columbia University, The New York Public Library, or New York University who are interested in "peacebuilding in Africa" Included here are links to records of publications in WorldCat (NYPL or CUNY), a few Columbia-only resources, a list of books to be searched in the catalogs by the user, and links to a wide range of open access resources featured in the "African Studies WWW-Virtual Library." also hosted by Columbia University Libraries.
For more information about Columbia University's research collections on Africa, see: African Studies
For more on how NYU and Columbia doctoral students, full-time faculty and librarians, and approved NYPL cardholders with demonstrated research needs can borrow materials from NYU, Columbia, or NYPL, see: MaRLI -- Manhattan Research Library Initiative at Columbia ; CUNY and NYPL ; and, NYU.
See also: NYPL's "Shared Collections": books and other materials available for borrowing held in storage by NYPL, Columbia University, and Princeton University.