The masters theses of previous GSAPP Historic Preservation students are cataloged in CLIO.
Theses published from 2012- are available full-text online in CLIO.
Theses published prior to 2012 are all housed at Columbia's OFFSITE facility. Requests to see a thesis are handled through Avery Classics.
To view the list of theses, search these keywords in CLIO : columbia thesis preservation. Please note, you must use the singular "thesis", not the plural theses.
What appears is a full list of theses, in alphabetical order by title.
Most students are interested in recent work. In the box above the citations titled "Re-sort result by:" select "Date (newest first)" from the drop-down box. You will have last year's theses in alphabetical order, followed year by descending year, in alphabetical order .
If you know of a specific author, you can do an author search.
The records for masters theses are not complete. They have no subject headings. This is generally not a problem since the titles of theses are self-explanatory. If there is a particular topic you are interested in, add that topic to the keywords above. For example churches brooklyn OR marble conservation.