Current & Historical News
Access world news--Africa. Newsbank. (Naples, Florida)
Plain text versions of news stories from selected major African media outlets, covering the last 10 years up to 1 week ago.
Africa confidential. (London)
1996 to present ( via Publisher)
2003 to 3 years ago (via EBSCO)
Print, 1964-2011
Africa research bulletin: economic, financial & technical series. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1964-)
1997 to present (via Wiley-Blackwell)
Africa research bulletin: political, social & cultural series. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1964-)
1997 to present (via Wiley-Blackwell)
AllAfrica.Com News (Washington, DC)
--See also: Factiva below
Columbia University Libraries (New York)
The Economist Intelligence Unit:
EIU Viewpoint on Africa -and- Middle East
--See also: EIU Country Reports Archive, 1952-1995
Emerging Markets Information Service (New York: Internet Securities, 2000-)
NOTE: Search by keyword from top box. Or, select "Markets" on left panel, scroll down for Countries, and select "News" or other categories.
Factiva.Com. (New York: Dow Jones and Reuters, c2002--)
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, 1941-1996 (Naples, Florida: Readex)
US government service providing English language (or translated) news from non-US media.
Global Observatory (International Peace Institute, New York and Vienna) (Beirut, Lebanon)
The New Humanitarian (Geneva, Switzerland) Formerly IRIN News
ReliefWeb (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)
World News Connection, 1996-2013. (Springfield, VA: NTIS; via East View Information Services)
English language (or translated) news from non-US media: inc. newspapers, periodicals, & television and radio broadcasts.
Full Text Historical Newspapers
Internet Resources on Current Economic and Health Information
Africa Portal Library (2010-2022) (Centre for International Governance Innovation, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg, South Africa)
Economic, Education, and Environmental Afffairs Information on Africa (Columbia University, New York)
ELDIS--Electronic Development and Environment Information System (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
Select Region and Country and then choose one of the "key topics" listed on the left hand side.
Health Information and Health Organizations on Africa (Columbia University, New York)
Comprehensive Internet Guides