Area Handbook series [historical]. Prepared by the Library of Congress and sponsored by the US Dept. of the Army. (Washington)
For the handbook of a country, search in CLIO: use country name and "area handbook".
For available online handbooks on Africa, see section on US Dept. of the Army in "US Organizations on Africa," compiled by Columbia University Libraries.
Armed conflict survey. Annual. (Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge) 2015 to the present online.
A dictionary of African politics. E-book. [Compiled by] Nicholas Cheeseman, Eloïse Bertand, and Sa'eed Husaini. ([Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 2019)
Europa world plus. -- New York, NY : Routledge ; Taylor & Francis Group, 2007-
Select "Africa South of the Sahara" or "Middle East and North Africa"
Routledge handbook of Africa-Asia relations. Edited by Pedro Miguel Amakasu Raposo de Medeiros Carvalho, David Arase and Scarlett Cornelissen. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. --See also: E-book
Souto, Améia Neves de and António Sopa. Samora Machel: bibliográfia (1970-1986). (Maputo : Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, 1996)
World Bibliographical Series CLIO Press (Oxford ; Santa Barbara, Calif.)
--For a country in the series, search in CLIO: use [name of country] and "world bibliographical"--as "All Fields".
Bell-Gam, Ruby and David Uru Iyam. Nigeria (c1999)
Mapping specialists, Inc. Africa on file. 2 vols. (New York : Facts on File, 1995)
Humanitarian OpenStreet Map Team--Our Work (Washington, DC) Select locations in Africa: "When major disaster strikes anywhere in the world, HOT rallies a huge network of volunteers to create, online, the maps that enable responders to reach those in need.
Docuseek 2 : Complete Collection. (Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street) ----Search for online films about human rights -or- humanitarianism in Africa.
Plus, search in CLIO for:
Africa: The Uncovered Continent, parts 1-2. Part of: "Rights and Wrongs" : a public television documentary series on international human rights and humanitarianism, produced by Chip Taylor Communications. (Derby, New Hampshire) --via Alexander Street.
"Rights and Wrongs": a public television documentary series on international human rights and humanitarianism. (Derby, New Hampshire) --via Alexander Street