Contemporary Western Civilization II: Citation Management

Chicago Manual of Style Online

Since you'll be using Chicago Style to cite your sources for this course, you should refer to The Chicago Manual of Style Online for guidelines.

Also, Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (the OWL) is an amazing resource for figuring out how to cite all types of materials and formats.

Citation Management

Citation management software products: EndNote, RefWorks, and Zotero.

Endnote, Mendeley, and Zotero all support retrieval and storage of references from bibliographic databases and the use of that information in formatting in-text citations, footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. Individuals involved in long-term careers in research may find EndNote's greater customizability, additional features (e.g. ability to handle figures as well as citations), and personal computer storage of data more to their needs. Zotero offers a new approach for downloading and searching full-text content as well as bibliographic data. Users of all three are likely to appreciate the fact that bibliographic information may be passed easily from one system to the other. Fuller information on each of the programs is available here.


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