Selected Journals on African Politics and Social Sciences--Online and Print
- Accord: an international review of peace initiatives. (Online) (London)
- Africa. (London)
- Africa confidential. (London)
2004 to 1 year ago via EBSCO
2007 to present via Publisher
- The Africa (Paris)
--See also: 2013 to present, via Factiva
- Africa development = Afrique et développement. (Dakar)
- African sociological review. (Grahamstown)
- Africa today. Online. (Bloomington, IN)
--See also: Print, 1954-2019. (LEHMAN)
- African affairs. (London)
- African journal on conflict resolution. (Durban, South Africa)
- African security review. (Pretoria) 1995-
- Armed forces & society. (Chicago)
- CODESRIA Bulletin. (Dakar) (LEHMAN)
- Commonwealth & comparative poltiics Online. (Abington, UK) 1997-
- Comparative studies in society and history. (London)
- Conflict management and peace science. Online. (Philladelphia)
- Conflict, security, development: CSD. (London, UK)
- Conflict trends. Online. (Durban, South Africa)
- Curent history. (Philadelphia) (Print issues in BUTLER)
- East African journal of peace & human rights. 1993-2016 (Kampala) (LAW)
- Eastern Africa social science research review. (Addis Ababa) (LEHMAN)
- Economic & political weekly. Online. (Bombay, India)
- The Fletcher forum of world affairs. Online. (Medford, MA) 1989--
- Foreign affairs (New York) (Print issues in BUTLER and LEHMAN)
- Global governance. (Boulder, CO) 1995-
- International affairs. (London)
- International peacekeeping. (London)
- International security. (Cambridge, MA)
- Jeune afrique. (Paris)
- Journal of African media studies. (Bristol, UK) 2009--
- Journal of Commonwealth and comparative politics (1974-1997). (London)
- Journal of conflict resolution. (Ann Arbor)
- Journal of conflict studies. 1995-2009 online. (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada)
- Journal of humanitarian assistance. (1994-2015). Online. (Medford, MA)
- Journal of international affairs. Online. (New York)
--See also: Print, 1947 to present. (LEHMAN)
- Journal of modern African studies. Online. (Cambridge, UK)
--See also: Print, 1963-2006. (LEHMAN)
- Journal of North African studies. (London)
- Journal of peace research. (Oslo, Norway)
- Journal of peace science. Online.. (Philadelphia)
- Journal of peacebuilding and development. (2011-2018). Online. (Washington, DC)
--See also: Print, 2002-2011
- Journal of refugee studies. (Oxford)
- Journal of southern African studies. (Cambridge, UK)
- Law in Africa = Recht in Afrika = Droit en Afrique. (Cologne) -- In International Law (check Law Library catalog: PEGASUS.)
- Liberian studies journal. (Sewanee, TN)
--See also: Print issues in LEHMAN
- Lusotopie: enjeux contemporains dans les espaces lusophones. (1994-2009). Online. (Paris)
--See also: Print, 1994-2004, 2006-2009 (LEHMAN)
- The Middle East journal. (Washington, DC)
- Middle East policy. (Washington, DC)
- Le Monde diplomatique. (Paris)
- Mozambique political process bulletin. (1993-2009). (Maputo and Amsterdam)
- Negotiation journal. (New York)
- Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution. (Washington, DC)
- Peace and change. (Sonoma, CA)
- Peace & conflict monitor. (San José, Costa Rica)
- Peace research. (Oakville, Ontario, Canada)
- Race & class. (London)
- Refugee survey quarterly. (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Review of African political economy. (Sheffield, UK) (Print issues in LEHMAN)
- Review of Black political economy. 1970 to present online. (New Brunswick, NJ)
- The Round Table: The Commonwealth journal of international affairs. (London)
- Small wars & insurgencies. (2005-2010). Online. (London)
--See also: Print, 1990-2009. (LEHMAN)
- Studies in conflict & terrorism. (Washington, DC)
- Terrorism and political violence. Online. (London)
--See also: Print , 1989-2006. (LEHMAN)
- Third World quarterly. (Oxfordshire, UK)
- World policy journal. (New York)