Historical Dictionary series. Scarecrow Press or Rowman & Littlefield. (Lanham, MD)
Most recent editions are in Lehman Library Reference, near "Global Studies". For a dictionary of one country, search in CLIO: use [name of country] and "historical dictionary"--as "All Fields".
Souto, Améia Neves de and António Sopa. Samora Machel: bibliográfia (1970-1986). (Maputo : Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, 1996)
World Bibliographical Series CLIO Press (Oxford ; Santa Barbara, Calif.)
For a country in the series, search in CLIO: use [name of country] and "world bibliographical"--as "All Fields".
Bell-Gam, Ruby and David Uru Iyam. Nigeria (c1999)