War, Peace, and International Interventions in Africa (POLS UN3604): News, Documents, Statistics, & Research Institutes

Current & Recent Historical News

  • Africa confidential. (London)
    2004 to 1 year ago via EBSCO
    1996 to present via Publisher

  • Africa research bulletin: economic, financial & technical series. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1964-)
    1997 to present (via Wiley-Blackwell)

  • Africa research bulletin: political, social & cultural series. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1964-)
    1997 to present (via Wiley-Blackwell)

  • AllAfrica.Com News (Washington, DC)

  • Columbia University
  • The Economist Intelligence Unit: (EIU)
    Africa and the Middle East--Country Reports

  • Emerging Markets Information Service (New York: Internet Securities, 2000-)
    NOTE: "Search" from large box, top center. Pop-up?: click on "No, thanks"

  • Factiva.Com. (New York: Dow Jones and Reuters, c2002--)

  • Global Observatory (International Peace Institute, New York and Vienna)

  • Mideastwire.com (Beirut, Lebanon)

  • ReliefWeb (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)

  • World News Connection, 1996-2013. (Springfield, VA: NTIS; via East View Information Services)
    English language (or translated) news from non-US media: inc. newspapers, periodicals, & television and radio broadcasts.
  • Online News

    Documents, Statistics, & Research Institutes

  • Acordo de paz para Angola. (Angola?: s.n., 1991)
  • Acordo geral de paz de Moçambique: (signed in Rome, October 4, 1992). (Roma: s.n., 1992)
  • African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (Banjul, The Gambia)
    Includes an archive of documentation: reports and final communiques since 1987.
  • African Union: Peace and Security Council (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
    News, legal instruments, other documents, and links.
  • Afrobarometer--Data and Publications (Institute for Democracy in South Africa, Cape Town; Ghana Centre for Democratic Development, Accra; and Michigan State University, Dept. of Political Science, East Lansing, Michigan)
    Includes: sample surveys and selected abstracts from final reports, covering: Ghana, Uganda, Zambia, Nigeria, Botswana, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe.
  • Armed Conflict Database. London: International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    "This database covers international and internal conflicts, as well as terrorism, incl. information on refugees and returnees, internally displaced persons, weapons used and their flows, fatalities, costs, historical backgrounds, and timelines."
  • Bonn International Center for Conversion--Publications (Bonn, Germany)
  • The Carter Center (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town, South Africa
    The site offers general information about the research projects, other activities, and publications of the centre.
    See especially:
  • Conciliation Resources (London, UK)
    • "[Founded in 1994, with offices in London and Sierra Leone] ...provides practical and sustained assistance to people and groups in areas of armed conflict or potential violence. We specifically work with those working at community or national levels to prevent violence or transform conflict into opportunities for development."
    • Accord: an international review of peace initiatives. (Online) -- London, UK: Conciliation Resources, 1997-- HTML format (Each issue offers analyses on conflicts and peace processes in a single country.)
    • Learning Hub -- All publications, search by country or topic
    • East and Central Africa
    • Horn of Africa
    • West Africa
  • Conflict Barometer, 1997-2018 Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany)
    An annual summary of conflicts worldwide, by region and country.
  • Conflict Information Constortium, University of Colorado (Boulder, Colorado, USA)
    -- See especially: Conflict Resolution Information Source--Knowledge Base
  • Constitutions on the Internet
  • Documents of the African Commission on Human and People's Rights. 2 v. Ed. by Rachel Murray and Malcolm Evans. (Oxford : Hart, 2001)
  • "Ethnicty, Insurgency and Civil War" Research Project (2003) (James D. Fearon and David D. Laitin, Stanford University, Stanford, California)
  • Global Nonviolent Action Database (Peace and Conflict Studies, the Peace Collection, and the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania)
    [Launched in 2011]..."To provide free access to information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action for learning and for citizen action."
  • Gorée Institute (Gorée, Sénégal)
  • GRIP--Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité: Africa (Brussels, Belgium)
    Full-length reports in French on the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Central African Republic, and Darfur; plus analytical notes on Central African security issues.
  • Harvard Humanitarian Initiative---Resources (Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts)
    Search for "Africa". "... brings an interdisciplinary approach to promoting understanding of humanitarian crisis as a unique contributor to global health problems and to developing evidence-based approaches to humanitarian assistance."
  • Households in Conflict Network (University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
    The site features research papers, links to data sets for country case studies, conference announcements, and related information. '
  • Human Rights Studies Online (Alexander Street Press)
    A searchable database of documentation, analysis, and interpretation of major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide...including Armenia, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, Darfur, and more than 30 additional subjects.
  • Humanitarian Outcomes: Global Database of Humanitarian Organisations -and- Aid Worker Security Database ; and, NGOs and Risk (London, UK)
    Search the GDHO by country and organization. The AWSD offers recent data by country and special reports on humanitarian worker security around the world. NGOs and Risk includes case study reports on selected conflict zones.
  • Institute for Peace and Security Studies, Addis Ababa University (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
    "...a premier institute for peace and security studies in Africa. Its mission is to promote peace and security in Ethiopia and Africa at large through education, research and professional development.."
    --See especially: IPSS publications
  • Institute for Security Studies (Pretoria, South Africa)
  • IDMC--Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre in Sub-Saharan Africa -and- Middle East & North Africa Originally founded by the Norwegian Refugee Council (Geneva, Switzerland)
    Current news on refugees and humanitarian crises, a survey of the literature and projects on internal displacement, and country case study reports.
  • International Boundaries Research Unit, University of Durham, UK
    Home page of the center, its programs, and its publications; also includes a searchable news database: International Boundary News Database (News briefs compiled from around the world since 1991).
  • International Center for Transitional Justice (New York, USA ; Geneva, Switzerland)
    "[Since 2001] The Center is committed to building local capacity and generally strengthening the emerging field of transitional justice, and works closely with organizations and experts around the world to do so."
  • International Committee of the Red Cross  (Geneva, Switzerland):
  • International Court of Justice (of the United Nations) (The Hague, The Netherlands)
    The website features an archive of recent and past court decisions and press releases.
  • International Criminal Court (The Hague, The Netherlands)
    The website includes information on situations and cases, plus related information. "...The ICC is the first ever permanent international institution, with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals responsible for the most serious crimes of international concern : genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes."
  • International Crisis Group (Washington, DC ; Brussels, Belgium)
    "The ICG is a private, multinational [policy research] organisation...grounded in field research ... and advocacy."
  • International Documentation Network on the Great African Lakes Region = Réseau documentaire international sur la région des Grands Lacs africains (via Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland)
    • NOTE: For best results, select Categories and Keywords; do not try to use "Fulltext" search.. An archive of documents -- mostly in French and some in English-- from governments, local and international NGOs, scholars, and other individuals from the early 1990s to 2009.
  • IPIS--International Peace Information Service (Antwerp, Belgium)
    Reports mostly on the Democratic Republic of Congo--especially Katanga and Eastern DRC.
  • International Peace Institute. (New York and Vienna)  Formerly International Peace Academy
    "The IPI is an independent, non-partisan, international organization dedicated to promoting the peaceful settlement of armed conflicts between and within states."
  • International Rescue Committee (New York)
    The website offers information about IRC activities, selected news reports on emergency situations and conflict zones, and an extensive library of resources--SEARCH for reports on individual countries or regions.
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (Geneva, Switzerland)
    Current and recent information on parliaments around the world, with news, event announcements and reports, web links, features on women, and databases.
  • Interpeace -- Publications (Geneva, Switzerland; Brussels Belgium; Guatemala City, Guatemala; Nairobi, Kenya; New York, USA)
    This site features publications on peacebuilding efforts in Central America, Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, Timor-Leste, Burundi, Liberia, Rwanda, & the Somali region between 2006 and 2012
  • Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (Accra, Ghana)
    -- See especially, Research publications (since 2004).
  • Kujenga Amani (New York)
    A digital forum of the African Peacebuilding Network (APN) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC). This blog offers scholarly opinion and analytical essays on conflict and conflict resolution in Afirca.
  • Life & Peace Institute (Uppsala, Sweden)
    Program information and downloadable reports and papers are available from the Institute, whose parent body is The Christian Council of Sweden; includes reports on the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan.
    --See especially: Horn of Africa bulletin. (Online) -- Uppsala, Sweden: Life & Peace Institute, 2007--
  • London School of Economics and Political Science: Crisis States Research Centre--Publications (London, UK)
  • Makerere University, Faculty of Law (Kampala, Uganda)
  • The Military balance. Annual. (London : Oxford University Press, published for the International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1959/60-)
    -- See also: Strategic survey: annual supplement to The Military Balance
  • Minorities at Risk Project - Group Files: Tracking Ethnopolitical Conflict Worldwide (Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland, College Park)
    Selected country profiles and minority ethnic group reports. Access to some project data may require registration.
  • Mouvement contre les armes légères en Afrique de l'Ouest (MALAO) (Dakar, Sénégal; via RAFAL--Réseau africain francophone sur les armes légères, Groupe de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la sécurité, Bruxelles, Belgique)
    In French. MALAO is the Movement against small arms in West Africa and "provides the international community of peace builders an online space to exchange experiences, share knowledge, and acquire skills..."
  • Partnership Africa Canada (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
    This website outlines the programs and posts related links to documents on Sierra Leone, Liberia, elsewhere in West Africa; Congo, Angola, Rwanda, elsewhere in Central and Southern Africa.
  • Peace Accords Matrix  Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, Indiana)
    The PAM database is a unique source of qualitative and quantitative longitudinal data on the implementation of 34 Comprehensive Peace Agreements (CPAs) negotiated between 1989 and 2012.
  • Regional Centre on Small Arms (Nairobi, Kenya)
    "RECSA is an institutional framework...to prevent, combat and eradicate stockpiling and illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons in the Great Lakes Region and Horn of Africa."
  • Global Centre for The Responsilbility to Protect -- Countries (New York)
    "...saves lives by mobilizing the international community to act in situations where populations are at risk of mass atrocity crimes. We exist to uphold the norm of the Responsibility to Protect – known as R2P – adopted by the UN in 2005...."
    See also: International Centre for R2P
  • Search for Common Ground (Washington, DC, USA ; Brussels, Belgium)
  • The Sierra Leone Memory Project (Tarrytown, New York)
    "The Sierra Leone Memory Project is an oral history project dedicated to recording testimonies from survivors of the brutal civil war that occurred in Sierra Leone from 1991-2002, including former child soldiers, amputees, and rape victims... Full-length testimonies, as well as shorter and more accessible video clips, will be available to the public, accompanied by written transcripts for easy browsing online."
  • Sierra Leone Truth & Reconciliation Report (2007) (Freetown, Sierra Leone)
  • SIPRI yearbook : world armaments and disarmament. (Stockholm : Almquist & Wiksell; New York : Humanities Press, c1972-
    [Published annually for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Frösunda, Sweden.]
    Print version in Lehman Reference UA10 .I551
  • Small Arms Survey (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland)
    A clearinghouse of reports on all aspects of small arms from various sources on the Internet, organized by region and country.
  • Social Science Research Council--African Peacebuilding Network (New York)
    "Launched in March 2012...supports independent African research on conflict-affected countries and neighboring regions of the continent, as well as the integration of African knowledge into global policy communities."
    --See especially: Recent APN Publications : APN Policy Briefing Notes; and, APN working papers
  • Residual  Special Court for Sierra Leone -- Official Website (The Hague, The Netherlands ; Freetown, Sierra Leone)
    "The Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone was established by an agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone to oversee the continuing legal obligations of the Special Court for Sierra Leone after its closure in 2013.  ("The Special Court for Sierra Leone was set up...to try those who bear the greatest responsibility for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law committed in the territory of Sierra Leone since 30 November 1996.")
  • Strategic survey Annual supplement to The Military balance. (London: Oxford University Press, 1966-)
  • Tufts University--Feinstein International Center: Publications (Medford, Massachusetts)
  • United Nations
  • The United Nations and apartheid, 1948-1994. United Nations blue books series ; v. 1. (New York : United Nations, Dept. of Public Information, 1994)
  • United Nations Concern for Peace and Security in Central Africa (New York : United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa, 1997)
  • The United Nations and Mozambique, 1992-1995. United Nations blue books series ; v. 5 (New York : United Nations, Dept. of Public Information, 1995)
  • United States
  • University of Edinburgh: Peace Agreements Database on Sub-Saharan Africa (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) 614 agreements
    --Search also By Country
  • University of Peace -- UPEACE Africa Programme (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Geneva, Switzerland; San José, Costa Rica)
  • University of Texas at Austin: Climate Change and African Political Stability -- Publications The Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law (Austin, Texas)
    "The Social Conflict in Africa Database (SCAD)...covers all countries in Africa with a population of over 1 million from 1990 until 2010...data [compiled mostly] from Associated Press (AP) and Agence France Presse (AFP) news wires."
  • West African Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP)--Publications (Accra, Ghana)
  • Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars--Africa Program: Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding (Washington, DC)
    "[Established in 2011]...a continent-wide network of African policy and research organizations that works with the Wilson Center’s Africa Program to bring African knowledge and perspectives to U.S., African, and international policy on peacebuilding in Africa."
  • The World Bank: Worldwide Governance Indicators, 1996-2014 (Washington, DC)
    Data on 215 countries and territories, with charts and tables for 6 major "governance indicators" recognized by the Bank.
  • World Health Organization -- Humanitarian Health Action (Geneva, Switzerland)
    WHO documents and links to other sources on current health and humanitarian situations around the world.