Mechanical Engineering Research Guide: Books & Reference Materials

Finding books in the catalog (CLIO)

This online handout has some tips about using CLIO.

You can use the filters on the left side of the screen to tailor your searches.  Selecting the 'Online' option under Format will display electronic resources, including e-books and online journals; you can also search exclusively for e-books by using the left sidebar filters, or with the following link:

Sample CLIO search:  biomaterials

We offer frequent workshops on the use of CLIO.  Check the Libraries' Workshops page for the next session!

E-book Platforms

Most of the individual books in these publisher sites are discoverable in CLIO but sometimes you may want to explore the source directly.  You may occasionally have to filter by 'Licensed Content'/'Content I Have Access To' to exclude titles we have not purchased.

Additional Reference Materials

We also have hundreds of handbooks and encyclopedias -- for more, search CLIO!

Can't find the book you need?

We have millions of titles available, but sometimes the item you need is not in CLIO.  When that happens, you can try requesting it through the following services:

Contact a Science Librarian

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