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To access KinoDen, search "kinoden" in CLIO.
KinoDen offers Advanced Search/詳細検索 and also snippets/試し読み for not-yet-owned/未所蔵 titles. Snippet section can be useful for you to place a purchase request or submit an article delivery request.
KinoDen offers bREADER Cloud app to read KinoDen titles on your mobile phone or tablet. bREADER Cloud app allows you to bookmark important pages, add notes, highlights, etc. You need to create an account to use it.
KinoDen currently includes some Tadoku series from Asuku/アスク, Taishukan/大修館, Aruku/アルク, etc. As of June 2024, 197 volumes available in 日本語 category.
To access MeL, search "maruzen" in CLIO.
MeL now offers Advanced Search/詳細検索.
MeL includes ebooks on Japanese language as well as Japanese language pedagogy topics. As of June 2024, 268 volumes available in 日本語 genre.