Current & Historical News
Africa confidential. (London)
1996 to present ( via Publisher)
2003 to 3 years ago (via EBSCO)
Print, 1964-2011
Africa research bulletin: economic, financial & technical series. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1964-)
1997 to present (via Wiley-Blackwell)
Africa research bulletin: political, social & cultural series. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1964-)
1997 to present (via Wiley-Blackwell)
AllAfrica.Com News (Washington, DC)
See also: Factiva below.
Columbia University
The Economist Intelligence Unit: (EIU)
Africa and the Middle East--Country Reports
Emerging Markets Information Service (New York: Internet Securities, 2000-)
NOTE: "Search" from large box, top center-right. Pop-up?: click on "No, thanks"
Factiva.Com. (New York: Dow Jones and Reuters, c2002--)
Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1941-1996 (Naples, FL: Readex)
English language (or translated) news from non-US media: inc. newspapers, periodicals, & television and radio broadcasts.
Global Observatory (New York; Vienna: International Peace Institute) (Beirut, Lebanon)
ReliefWeb (New York; Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)
World News Connection, 1996-2013. (Springfield, VA: NTIS; via East View Information Services) Continues "Foreign Broadcast Information Service (see above)
World Newspaper Archive -- Africa's Historical Newspapers In collaboration with The Center for Research Libraries and The British Library. (Naples, Florida: Readex, 2010-)
General Guides on Africa, Gender, Health, Human Rights, Sexuality, and Women