Hi! My name is Kae, and I am the Libraries liaison to the School of Professional Studies. If you're an SPS student, faculty member, staff member, or alum, then I'm your librarian.
My colleagues at the Libraries are here to support your research, whether that means helping you find information for a group project, recommending the perfect source for presentation infographics, or coaching you through the process of gathering and citing sources for an academic research paper.
As the Libraries liaison to SPS, I would be happy to meet with you or recommend a colleague for you to meet. I take consultations in person in the Social Work Library and remotely by video call. Just email sps@library.columbia.edu to set up an appointment.
You can also get in contact with a librarian in the way that suits you best:
I like to tell my patrons that you only need to remember two things about the Libraries when you're first starting out. First, don't pay for books, research reports, data, or other research-related resources before checking whether you can get it through us. Second, it's our job to answer your questions, so please ask! We would be very happy to help you.