Getting Started: Start Here!

LibGuides instructions and help for the staff of Columbia University Libraries.

Welcome, Guide Authors!

Are you a new LibGuides author?

Use this page to learn how to manage your account.
Go to Create a Guide and other tabs to learn how to create LibGuides content.
Don't forget to review our Best Practices often!

Big thanks to Boston College University Libraries, for allowing us to replicate some content and structure from their own Getting Started Guide.

Managing Your Account

Logging In

  • Enter your Columbia email address (including and your password.
    • Forgot your password? Click "reset password" to have a reset link emailed.
    • Use your UNI email address, not any vanity email addresses you may use.
  • Note: Your LibGuides password is NOT linked to your CUL/UNI password
  • Note: You can also click on "Login to LibApps" from the bottom of any CUL LibGuides page. 
  • Click on the next tab in this box (above) to see how to navigate to the LibGuides Dashboard!


Navigate to the LibGuides Dashboard 

Once you log in, you'll be on the main LibApps dashboard, which is fairly empty (since we only subscribe to LibGuides, not to other LibApp products).


Click on the blue dashboard dropdown marked "LibApps Dashboard" and select "LibGuides" to get to your LibGuides dashboard. 


Changing Your Password

  • If you're on the "LibApps Dashboard," click on "My Account" in the top orange menu bar.

  • (If you are on the "LibGuides" main dashboard instead, click on your username--your Columbia UNI email--in the top right of the orange menu bar, then click on "My Account.")

  • Here, you can change your password and edit your name. (This is how your name will appear in the profile box, so if you want to add a title or degrees to your name, do so here.)

  • From the "My Account" page, click on the blue text to the right of "Password" that says "[hidden]."
  • Type in a new password and click on the checkmark to save it.
  • Enter the password again (to confirm it) and click on the checkmark to save it.

Your LibGuides Group

Have questions?

Email our team!

LibGuides Implementation Team

Candice Kail LDPD
Evelyn Ocken LITO
Ted Goodman Avery
Paula Gabbard Avery
Matthew Baker Burke
Meredith Levin H & H
Thai Jones RBML
Krystie Wilfong Sciences
Lauran Hartley Starr East Asian
Gary Hausman Global Studies
TBA Social Sciences