Entrepreneurship: Competitors

Information about public companies

Information about private and smaller competitors

Use article search databases to find news coverage and trade publication articles about private businesses or specific divisions or productcs of public companies.

Venture-backed competitors

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis,  offers insights into a business and where it stands in the market.  SWOT analysis can be found in the following:

Business Source Complete, which has SWOT analysis from Datamonitor. Click on the SWOT Analysis link on the bottom right of the screen.

Mergent Online contains SWOT analysis from Global Data and Marketline.  These analysis can be found via the Investext tab.  In the search criteria, select company name/ticker and keyword.  In the company name/ticker box, type the name of the company.  In the keyword box, select "whole report" from the drop down, Type SWOT and click on submit.  To see results, select the view link.