Census Data: Home

Feb 4, 2025: At the moment, many government data sources are offline or otherwise unavailable. If one of the links below is unresponsive, please email us (data@library.columbia.edu), and we may be able to provide guidance for finding an alternative.

Which Census product should I use for my question(s)?

(Click on entry to expand)

Community Profiles - I want to create profiles of one or more communities that include summaries of demographic and housing characteristics.



  1. See the list of Census Geographies
  2. See the information on the American Community Survey
  3. See these resources?



Small geographies - I am specifically interested in summaries of data at the smallest geographies possible (for example local neighborhoods)


Small geographies - I am specifically interested in summaries of data at the smallest geographies possible (for example local neighborhoods). 

  1. See the list of Census geographies - partricularly census blocks, block groups and tracts
  2. See the information on the American Community Survey
  3. See these resources?



Complex cross-tabs (microdata) - I found basic tables and summaries, but they don't work for me. I need to construct more customized tables of survey results.


Complex cross-tabs (microdata) - I found basic tables and summaries, but they don't work for me. I need to construct more customized tables of survey results.

  1. See the information on census microdata
  2. See these resources (data.gov, IPUMS, etc.) 



Fast Information - Time is of the essence, I need information about my communities quickly (and without a lot of cutomization).


Fast Information - Time is of the essence, I need information about my communities quickly (and without a lot of cutomization).

  1. See these resources (Social Explorer, Narrative Tables)



Longitudinal/Historical - I want to compare areas over time


Longitudinal/Historical - I want to compare areas over time

  1. Data resources - Decenniel census
  2. See these resources (NHGIS, Social Explorer, IPUMS,), Geographic comparisons. - Brown



Undercounted Populations - I am specifically interested in populations of people that are known to be undercounted by the census (housing insecure, undocumented, etc.)


Undercounted Populations - I am specifically interested in populations of people that are known to be undercounted by the census (housing insecure, undocumented, etc.)

  1. See these resources


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Eric Glass
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