Which Census product should I use for my question(s)?
(Click on entry to expand)
Community Profiles - I want to create profiles of one or more communities that include summaries of demographic and housing characteristics.
- See the list of Census Geographies
- See the information on the American Community Survey
- See these resources?

Small geographies - I am specifically interested in summaries of data at the smallest geographies possible (for example local neighborhoods)
Small geographies - I am specifically interested in summaries of data at the smallest geographies possible (for example local neighborhoods).
- See the list of Census geographies - partricularly census blocks, block groups and tracts
- See the information on the American Community Survey
- See these resources?

Complex cross-tabs (microdata) - I found basic tables and summaries, but they don't work for me. I need to construct more customized tables of survey results.
Complex cross-tabs (microdata) - I found basic tables and summaries, but they don't work for me. I need to construct more customized tables of survey results.
- See the information on census microdata
- See these resources (data.gov, IPUMS, etc.)

Fast Information - Time is of the essence, I need information about my communities quickly (and without a lot of cutomization).
Fast Information - Time is of the essence, I need information about my communities quickly (and without a lot of cutomization).
- See these resources (Social Explorer, Narrative Tables)

Longitudinal/Historical - I want to compare areas over time
Longitudinal/Historical - I want to compare areas over time
- Data resources - Decenniel census
- See these resources (NHGIS, Social Explorer, IPUMS,), Geographic comparisons. - Brown

Undercounted Populations - I am specifically interested in populations of people that are known to be undercounted by the census (housing insecure, undocumented, etc.)
Undercounted Populations - I am specifically interested in populations of people that are known to be undercounted by the census (housing insecure, undocumented, etc.)
- See these resources