"Faith and Empire : Art and Politics in Tibet": Getting Started

This guide lists resources to support research related to the class "Faith and Empire" taught by Dr. Karl Debreczeny. It allows searching by historical period and by specific topic.

Studies on Art & Politics in Tibet

*New and Noteworthy:

Debreczeny, Karl, ed. Faith and empire : art and politics in Tibetan BuddhismNew York, NY : Rubin Museum of Art, [2019].


Berger. 2003. Empire of Emptiness: Buddhist Art and Political Authority in Qing China. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.

Brook, Timothy, Michael van Walt van Praag, and Miek Boltjes, eds. 2018. Sacred Mandates: Asian International Relations since Chinggis Khan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Cüppers, Christoph, ed. 2004. The Relationship Between Religion and State (Chos srid zung ’brel) in Traditional Tibet: Proceedings of a Seminar held in Lumbini, Nepal, March 2000. LIRI Seminar Proceedings, Series 1. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute.

Dalton, Jacob. 2011. The Taming of the Demons: Violence and Liberation in Tibetan Buddhism. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Heller, Amy. 1999. Tibetan Art: Tracing the Development of Spiritual Ideals. Milan: Jaca Book.

Kapstein, Matthew, ed. 2009. Buddhism Between Tibet and China. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

Karmay, Heather. 1975. Early Sino-Tibetan Art. Aris and Phillips. (reprinted as: Heather Stoddard,. Early Sino-Tibetan Art. Orchid Press, 2008.)

Searching CLIO

One of the most effective searches for resources on Tibetan art and politics can be done in CLIO, Columbia's online catalog, by using the CLIO Quicksearch interface.  This will search books, databases, journal articles, and dissertations, and show results in a "bento box" display for the "Catalog" "Articles+" etc.  See here for a sample of search results. Be sure to click on "View and filter all ## results" at the top of each box, for the full results list.