Ancient World Mapping Center. (Online)
"The Ancient World Mapping Center exists to promote cartography and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies. The Home page communicates knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, its subject." With support from the National Endowment for the Humanities (2006-2007), the Ancient World Mapping Center has undertaken a major initiative to develop a functioning, international community of scholars, teachers, students and enthusiasts to collaborate in the updating and expansion of the spatial and historical reference information assembled by the Classical Atlas Project. To underpin these efforts, the Center is developing a web-based, multi-lingual, spatially-enabled community support system, built using open-source software and made freely available for reuse by other projects.
Aquae urbis Romae = The waters of the City of Rome. (Online)
Interactive cartographic history of the relationship between hydrological and hydraulic systems and their impact on the urban development of Rome from 753BC to the present day. Aquae Urbia Romae examines the intersection between natural hydrological elements such as springs, rain, streams, marshes, and the Tiber River, and constructed hydraulic elements such as aqueducts, fountains, sewers, bridges, conduits, etc., that together create the water infrastructure system of Rome.
Atlas of Ancient America. (Facts on File)
Ed. by Michael Coe, Dean Snow and Elizabeth Benson, 240 p. (1986).
Divided by region. Includes chronological table, bibliography by region, gazetteer and index.
Avery-Fine Arts N6501 At65 (copies available in multiple locations)
Atlas of Ancient Archaeology: the most comprehensive atlas of ancient archaeological sites. (O'Mara Books)
Ed. by Jacquetta Hawkes, 271 p. (1994).
Old and New World sites.
Avery Reference AA210 H311
Atlas of classical history. (Online vendor: E-brary)
Ed. by Richard J.A. Talbert. (1985)
Maps useful for the undergraduate and an up-to-date scholarly coverage of classical history down to the time of Constantine.
Avery AA260 At647
Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman world. (Princeton)
Ed. by Richard J.A. Talbert, 3 vol. (1383 p.) (2000)
Created by the Classical Atlas Project (now, the Ancient World Mapping Center), the Barrington atlas should be useful to anyone with an interest in ancient Greeks and Romans, the lands they penetrated, and the peoples and cultures they encountered in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.
Avery Reference AA260 B27 (copies available in multiple locations)
Pleiades : a community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places (Chapel Hill : Ancient World Mapping Center ; New York : Institute for the Study of the Ancient World)
"Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding into Ancient Near Eastern, Byzantine, Celtic, and Early Medieval geography" -- About page
World Atlas of Archaeology. (G.K. Hall)
Ed. by Michael Wood, 423 p. (1985).
Emphasis on social, economic, and cultural aspects. Maps, reconstructions, photographs. Bibliography, glossary, index.
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