Odd Women in Victorian England (ENGL 3398): Home

Selected Resources

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) Icon
"The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography is the national record of men and women who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century. The Dictionary offers concise, up-to-date biographies written by named, specialist authors." 

Gale Primary Sources. Newspapers  (Gale Cengage Learning)
Search across multiple collections of British and American periodical and newspaper content, including: 17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers19th Century British Library Newspapers19th Century U.S. Newspapers; and 19th Century UK Periodicals. Also includes historical archives for a number of individual periodicals or newspapers: Daily MailEconomistIllustrated London NewsPunchTimesTimes Literary Supplement and others.

British Periodicals Icon (Collections I, II, and III)
Provides full-text and full-image access to hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth century.  Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts, the social sciences, music, archaeology and architecture.

Periodicals Archive Online 

Defining gender, 1450-1910 Icon (Adam Matthew) 
British source material from the fifteenth to early twentieth century. Through correspondence, advice literature, periodicals, ephemera and government documents, traditional models of gender and contemporary perceptions of these can be explored.

Nineteenth Century Collections Online  (Gale Cengage Learning)
"A multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. . . . The content is sourced from the world's preeminent libraries and archives. It consists of monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, photographs, statistics, and other kinds of documents in both Western and non-Western languages." Now complete in twelve collections. Collections include: Asia and the West;  British Politics and Society;  British Theatre, Music, and Literature;  Europe and Africa;  Children's Literature and Childhood; Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925 (Parts I & II); Women: Transnational Networks and many more.
►May be cross-searched with other databases covering similar time periods in 
Gale Primary Sources. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10667231

C19 : the nineteenth century index
C19 Index is a dynamic and growing resource, currently containing over 24 million bibliographic records for a full range of 19th century source material and provides integrated access to the most important finding aids for books, periodicals, official publications, newspapers and archives.

The Wellesley index to Victorian periodicals, 1824-1900 Icon
Access via C19 database. Select checkbox for Wellesley Index.
The vast majority of articles written for Victorian periodicals were published anonymously, or under pseudonyms. The Wellesley Index identifies the authors of articles within major Victorian periodicals, and provides a bibliography for each contributor. 45 important monthly and quarterly titles are included, covering the period from the beginning of the Westminster Review in 1824 to the end of the century. The exception to this is the Edinburgh Review, which is indexed from first issue, in 1802. Wellesley does not index poetry. 

Victorian Web https://victorianweb.org/
A scholarly site that emphasizes links and interconnections between various aspects of Victorian literature, culture, and history.

Google Books

MLA International Bibliography   (EBSCO)
MLA International Bibliography offers a detailed bibliography of journal articles, books and dissertations. Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), the electronic version of the bibliography dates back to the 1920's and contains over 2.3 million citations from more than 4,400 journals & series, and 1,000 book publishers. The indexed materials coverage is international and includes almost 60 titles from J-STOR's language and literature collection as well as links to full text.

Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature: ABELL (ProQuest)
"Contains more than 900,000 records covering monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays and doctoral dissertations published anywhere in the world; unpublished doctoral dissertations are covered for the period 1920-1999. . . . a number of items published between 1892 and 1919 have been indexed retrospectively. All aspects and periods of English literature are covered, from Anglo-Saxon times to the present day. British, American and Commonwealth writing are all represented. Coverage is international, including scholarly material in languages other than English." 

►Persons wishing to be thorough in their research on English-language literature should search both MLA and ABELL. There is some overlap; but each database includes many items not listed in the other.