CLIO Columbia's Catalog
Rare and early imprints may not have as much descriptive information as newer books.
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*Limit by date (1500-1700) and language. (Spanish)
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You can also limit by Location: Rare Book to only see items in RBML.
Using the Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Columbia The RBML is open to all researchers from the Columbia community and the public. Follow a simple process to register and set up a research account. Once registered, you can request items. All materials must be used on-site in the RBML and do not circulate.
Many early imprints and rare books may not be cataloged, or may be difficult to find in catalog searching. These major bibliographies list many of the early published works in Spain and the Americas. You can search specific titles or authors in CLIO or in WorldCat to determine whether a particular work is available in a library near you.
Manual del librero hispano-americano; bibliografía general española e hispano-americana desde la invención de la imprenta hasta nuestros tiempos, con el valor comercial de los impresos descritos
Medina, José Toribio, Biblioteca hispanoamericana, 1493-1810
Hathi Trust Access to digitized books from major research libraries, including the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.