Art History: Resources for Research: 2-Primary Resources

2-Primary Resources

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The following are anthologies of primary literary sources of western art history.

Icon Art Theorists of the Italian Renaissance. (Online)
Collection of treatises on art and architecture from 1470 to 1775. Structured around the two Italian editions of Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists.

The books that shaped art history: from Gombrich and Greenberg to Alpers and Krauss / edited by Richard Shone and John-Paul Stonard. (2013)
Collection of sixteen essays on the most influential books in art history from the 20th century. Bibliographical essays follow at the end.
Avery-LC N7425 .S36 2013g

Getty Research Portal. (Online)
An online search platform providing global access to digitized art history texts in the public domain. Through this multilingual, multicultural union catalog, scholars can search and download complete digital copies of publications for the study of art, architecture, material culture, and related fields.

Schlosser, Julius von. Die Kunstliteratur : ein Handbuch zur Quellenkunde der neuern Kunstgeschichte. (1924; reprint 1985)
Survey of early art literature from late antiquity to the 18th century. Best for the Renaissance. Includes bibliographies. Later editions in French and Italian with updated bibliographies follow.
Avery-Fine Arts N35 Sch952 (copies available in multiple locations)

Sources and Documents in the History of Art Series. (Prentice-Hall, 1965-1983)
Anthologies of sources of Western art history in translation. Each vol. on a specific period, with scholarly introductions by authorities, e.g. C. Gilbert ed., Italian Art 1400-1500; R. Klein and H. Zerner eds., Italian Art 1500-1600; J.J. Pollitt, Art of Rome, c.753BC-AD377: sources and documents. Titles can be found in Avery card catalog and in CLIO by author, title and by series. 

Robertson, Jack S. Twentieth-Century Artists on Art: an Index to Writings, Statements, and Interviews by Artists, Architects, and Designers. (1996)
Avery-Fine Arts N6490 R5471
See also {Section 16: Archives}